Space exploration involves overcoming numerous challenges: extreme gravity, disrupted sleep and circadian rhythms, limited supplies, and access to medical care, etc. Your challenge is to design a platform that allows users to explore space travel stresses, understand how diverse organisms deal with these stresses, and then build a “Space Biology Superhero” by combining features from these organisms.



Over and above the Earths natural protection, radiation exposure increase the risk of cancer, damages the central nervous system, leads to cognitive function, reduce motor function, and cause behavioral changes. To find out what can happen above low Earth orbit, NASA studies how radiation affects biological samples using a ground-based research laboratory.


On a trip to Mars, astronauts will be more isolated and confined. Sleep deprevation, circadian desynchronization, and work overload exacerbate this problem and can lead to decreased performance, adverse health outcomes, and compromised mission objectives. Various tools and technologies to use in the spaceflight environments to detect and treat early risk factors.


To find out what could happen above low Earth orbit, NASA studies how radiation affects biological samples using a ground-based research laboratory.


Planning and self-sufficiency are essential keys to the success of a Martian mission. Facing a communication delay of up to 20 minutes one way and the possibility of equipment failure or a medical emergency, astronauts must be able to deal with a variety of situations without the support of their teammate on Earth.


Technology, as is often the case with out-of-this-world exploration, comes to the rescue to create a livable home in a harsh environment. Everything is monitored, from air quality to possible microbial inhabitants. Astronauts also contribute data points through urine and blood samples, and can reveal valuable information about potential stressors.


Based on Bacteriophage viruses We will use their structure to carry the genetic code that will produce interplanetary life in different spaces. For the synthesis of this genome we will start with the Deinococcus radiodurans genome, since it is the organism capable of resisting radiation and survive in conditions of heat, cold, dehydration, vacuum and acid. Under technologies such as nanotechnology, we will add TiO2 nanoparticles to its structure to resist cosmic radiation, temperature and other conditions.

Is composed of:

  • Synthetic DNA: contains the necessary instructions for this being to reproduce once it reaches its destination.
  • Enzymes as molecular machines: These enzymes, once they receive the signal from the environmental sensors, will be activated to begin the cycle of development of this superhero at the destination. They will duplicate the DNA and synthesize other basic enzymes necessary for the maturation of the organism.
  • Air Sensor (Environmental Sensors): They detect if the conditions are valid to propagate or not. If they are, they will emit signals to begin the development stage.
Sensors detect a signal from a suitable environment, and send the signal to the enzymes. The head is automatically released and metamorphosis begins.
Enzymes begin to replicate, translate, and transcribe DNA to form new enzymes that will synthesize the necessary organelles.
With all the materials and tools ready, the spatial metabolism is activated and the cell begins to live to replicate itself and perpetuate the code. According to the requirements of each Planet, consume what is there to obtain materials to synthesize new daughter cells.
The cells are already duplicating and adapting to the environment. They are more and more. The Biofilm stage begins. Together they come together to form Biofilms where they will exchange information and nutrients to grow.


I`MPOSSIBLE Interplanetary life.

We thought our hero with different habilities and capablities to overcome ne xt challenges for future interplanetary life